Wednesday, November 21, 2007

You just be Andy, I'll be your Pat Hackett

All during Andy Warhol's life he kept a diary. But not the kind of diary where you have to write anything down. No, Andy was way too avant-garde for that. He just called up his long suffering secretary everyday and dictated his diary to her over the phone. This is how we ended up with a Tome when Andy Warhol died heavy enough to serve as ship anchor in a pinch. We have Pat Hackett to thank.

I'm quite willing to be the Pat to Shando's Andy. Here's why:

1. I too am long-suffering.

2. I too desire to bring the world the unique perspective of a person who wishes to remain on the fringes (not in real life, but on the "internets", Shando is remarkably quiet, though she does lurk about, much in the way Andy was wont to do)

3. Shando is too busy to be bothered with writing in journals, or diaries, let alone writing in/on blogs.

4. Shando is quite a fascinating person with fascinating thoughts - she calls me everyday, she tells me those thoughts, I can share some of her thoughts with you.

5. Shando gives me all the details. Andy used to tell Pat how much his cab cost, the morning paper, and his cup of coffee. I usually get these same notes from Shando everyday. Want to know what Shando ate for breakfast? I can probably tell you (today it was Crepes).

6. I like to find additional time-wasters, this would definitely rank right up there at the top of such a list. (do not confuse this by thinking I have time to waste - no, contraire, but I take time wasting to an art form, don't question it, it works for me much in the way prozac works for other people)

7. We all need our daily dose of Shando

On another note - the blog has been named "Keeping Tab" this is because we are; keeping tabs on Shando, keeping tab with Shando, and Shando loves her TaB. The coca-cola company makes TaB. If they ever quit making it do not be surprised if violence is committed by Shando in the name of her Holy Tab. Coke named TaB, TaB, because it stood for "keeping tab".

So let's keep tab with Shando and see where her adventures take us.


Cynthia said...

oooohhhh! This ought to be good. I love Shando stories, shando perspective and shando opinions. I'm looking forward to the blog, Pat. I'll be a daily reader.

Shando said...

Hey Pat,

Thanks for all your efforts in my behalf. Did Pat like Andy or was she just obligated?

I will be phoning you soon to advise that I had pumpkin pie and a much needed TAB for breakfast. Post Thanksgiving/Pre Painting Day breakfast of champions.

Bandanamom said...

Of course Pat liked Andy. But they worked together as well, so there was that - which we also have right? Sometimes you tell me amusing stories and sometimes you say "how much money do I have?" "Can you do an invoice?" "you better get on that shipping!" "you have a bunch of customer service you need to deal with!", etc.

I'm on your pumpkin pie I need a tab situation as we speak - I will meet up with you shortly with a tab substitute of diet coke, like a good little assistant while I watch you and Cynthia add Christmas cheer to the neighborhood.

So I'm a friend...and a good employee!

Pat to your Andy.

Suzanne Barker said...

Well, well well. Shannon has a remarkable way of getting people to do things for her! Is this like Kate Fierro getting Manuel's to deliver? I wonder if anyone else has a ghost blog writer! You are certainly unique Shando and I think this will be fun!